Six Simple Used Car Buying Tips

Six Simple Used Car Buying Tips
By Michael M Thomas

Here are six tips you need to make sure you take advantage of when you are out looking to buy a used car. Some of these are simple and will seem very obvious. Buy many people forget them when they are actually at the dealership looking at used cars. Here are six used car buying tips:

1. Do all of the doors open and close correctly? Try them. Look at them. Is the weather stripping in place or is it worn, missing, or damaged?

2. Try out all of the windows. If they are power windows, use all of the buttons. If they are manual, roll them all up or down. This is tedious, but you want to make sure they all work before you find yourself with a bill for repairs after you buy the car. Along these same lines, test all the door locks while you are testing the windows.

3. Make sure the trunk opens every way it is supposed to. When you have the trunk open, does it stay open? Be sure that it does.

4. Look at the windshield wipers. Wash off the windows with them while you're in the car. Make sure they clean the windshield and that they function properly. You don't want to find out there's a problem when it is raining!

5. Check out the mirrors. Do they adjust? Do they hold the place when you set them? If they are automatic, do the buttons work?

6. Look at all of the windows and make sure that they are not chipped or cracked. Also look to see if they are sealed. If you are not sure, spray them with some water to see if any gets into the car.
I hope you enjoyed these used car buying tips. When you are out used car shopping, be sure to use them as they will help you to buy a better car.

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